Monday, April 18, 2011

Ketogenic Diet

We started Brianna on the ketogenic diet last week. It's a diet typically used for seizure disorders not controlled by medication. However, since her body doesn't process carbohydrates, the theory behind using the ketogenic diet for PDCD management is that it isn't flooding the system with carbohydrates that can't be processed. We started on Thursday, so today is day four.

Despite the fact that she has a wicked sinus infection that is requiring antibiotics (she'd been fighting it for over three weeks), she is making amazing progress. A month ago she was making progress, but her energy levels were incredibly low. She seemed constantly tired. We were really noticing an increase in autistic-type behaviors. More stimming, more sensory problems. She would curl up in the fetal position anytime we were around other people. Even people she had previously been comfortable with.

Four days after we started the diet and today at the opthomology office she was crawling around "jabbering" to people. Her energy levels have definately increased. This weekend at a party she was actually comfortable being around people - quite a few people. Amazing steps for her. I was so afraid that we had lost a part of her. She used to be quite smiley and social towards people and that had just seemed to disappear. Now it's back.

Tonight I was watching "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." Everytime the group on the tv would applaud, Brianna would pause in playing with her toys and clap. I don't know why, but it just brought tears to my eyes. It just seemed so "normal".

I love this little girl so darn much.

1 comment:

  1. So do we, her so much. I'm so happy that her energy has increased and she's more interactive. She is so fun when she is feeling well and I sure do miss cuddling her and rocking her to sleep!
